Speed Up Your Document Signing Workflow
Explore all BoldSign features
BoldSign supports property acquisition, deal closing, and mortgage processes, striving for seamless and swift agreement closure to expedite your journey.
Get your documents signed online with legally binding eSignatures. Send signature requests and track their progress with our easy-to-use app or embed the entire workflow into your own app using our API.
Electronic Signature Requests
Easily send eSignature requests and configure their behavior to speed up signing.
Sign as recipient
While sending a signature request to the signers, you can also add yourself as one of the signers and sign the document as a recipient.
Private messages
When many people are involved in a contract, you may want to share a different message with each recipient so that they can better understand the document. You can do this through the private message option in BoldSign.
Upload multiple documents
BoldSign allows you to upload multiple documents together of any supported types to create a signing request.
Manual reminders
In addition to auto-reminders, you can also manually send reminders to sign from the BoldSign web app.
Print and sign the document
If your signers don’t want to sign documents online, you can ask them to print and sign the documents using a wet signature, and then upload the scanned document to BoldSign.
You can customize your signers’ experience with your brand logo and theme colors to make pages and emails look more authentic.
Form fields appearance customization
BoldSign provided several customization options to modify the appearance of the form fields. The options differ for each form field.
Required form fields
You can define the form fields whether they should be required to filled by the signer or an optional field.
Revoke a sent document
You can recall a sent document to prevent signing or viewing with the revoke option. This is helpful to cancel documents that were sent mistakenly or need a correction.
Cloud storage integration
With built-in integration for Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, BoldSign can import files from these sources for creating and sending eSignature requests.
Keyboard shortcuts
Both signer and sender interfaces support keyboard shortcuts for actions like cut, copy, paste, and Tab key navigation to help you work efficiently.
Download audit trail
The information about a document, such as its ID, name, sender, receiver, status, time stamps, etc., are recorded in an audit trail document. This can be downloaded after all the signers have signed the document.
Preview document
A preview of the document can be seen before sending it for signing to ensure the document’s content and form fields placement.
Request signer attachments
BoldSign offers an option to request attachments from the signers. While sending the document, you can use the attachment form field to ask the signer for an attachment.
Sign everywhere
This feature allows signers to insert their saved signature into all the signature fields by default.
A great way to catch your reader's attention is to tell a story.
Everything you consider writing can be told as a story.
Great stories have personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assists with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.
Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide general audience in mind, your story will ring false and be bland. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.