Functional ErpGo Website & E-commerce

ErpGo, with a robust website builder that helps you build beautiful websites. ErpGo website builder is endorsed for businesses who need a website for regularly publishing their products. ErpGo Website Builder is helpful for blogs and basic landing pages which allows the visitor to access the business data that they are looking for.
ERP • Text and Image

A company can generate its own company's online presence with no vast knowledge of coding with the help of this module. It also serves multiple purposes for your business organization. Here we discuss some of the basic features and functionalities of the ErpGo Website Builder Module.

This module allows us to.

  • Create various website forms (which can be used for contact forms).

  • Gathering customer information.

Managing multi-website

Multi website in ErpGo offers a large opportunity in terms of customer segmentation and diversification for the business. All websites are completely independent in their theme, domain name, branding, pages, languages, products, slides blog posts, etc.

Here are some features of Website Builder

  • Intuitive system

  • Building blocks system

  • Front-end management

  • Word processor text editing

  • Increase visits

  • Promote Tool

  • Multi-version  

  • Mobile preview

  • Social media call-to-action

  • Live chat embedded

  • Design features

  • Fluid grid layout

  • Editor and Designer




Enterprise website builders


Sell your products online


Publish blog posts, announcements and news.


Manage a forum with FAQ and Q&A


Manage and publish courses

Live Chat

Chat with you website visitors